Friday, December 18, 2009

Who's Heather's baby's father?

Please Readers....
Wouldn't it make more sense for Phil Mitchell to be the baby's father? After all he is certainly not particular about who he sleeps with...(Shirley). Darren being the father makes no sense. It would have made more sense to have Libby become pregnant and have to face decisions affecting her future... her mother's disappointment... Chelsea's issues, as well as Patrick feeling the effects of being an absentee father himself. Waaayy more authentic issues. This story line makes no sense and almost seems like the writers were on vacation and a Temp took over the story.
As for Heather...her story line is forced, the birth ridiculous and pathetic...but not pathetic because this is her character...pathetic because all these great issues involving her character are wasted. A great storyline would be Heather winning a makeover... which would have to include a haircut and new clothes. The dog-ears are just too (I hate myself and want to die). Once she sees the new Heather she'll want a healthier lifestyle and gain confidence. She should go through a period where she belittles another pathetic person while trying out her new found popularity. There should be interest on Minty's part which would cause relationship problems for him but Heather would string him along for the ultimate revenge. Left at the alter.

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