Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Stacy Slater...Bipolar?

What are they doing with this storyline?
Is this an excuse for Stacy's whoreish behavior? This storyline should work since her mother is mentally challenged. Stacy's character has (however) been put over as strong and independent, too strong for this to ring true. Maybe the writers ran out of people for her to sleep with. At least they didn't make her a homosexual(really stretching it). How about this for a story........ A love triangle with Stacy, Sayeed and Amirah. Can you imagine the fire works and great fight scenes this would produce? Demure, classy Amirah and trendy, guttersnipe Stacy? Sayeed twisted about his commitment to his faith and his relationship with a non-believer. The contrasts between the characters would be enough to give us a whole season of action.

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